Life Update

Balancing everything in life can be hard. I know this very well, and something else that I have noticed is that no matter how much you try you can never get it perfect. When you strive for that ultimate perfection of everything in life, you find yourself missing the fun and the memories of life. It makes things that are supposed to be fun or enjoyable a chore. I have had enough of this and have decided to get back to enjoying things I like to do instead of making it just another thing to cross off a to do list.

Something I really have been missing is my instagram account. I started my first account back when I was a junior in high school and really enjoyed doing it. After a while it became a chore to keep up with and decided to give it up. I went through this cycle of enjoying and then hating it and started my account over several times. The cycle stops today where I decide that I am no longer going to make it something that I have to do and bring it back to something I love to do.

The second thing is this blog. What went wrong with it was the fact that I was planning the death out of it which also made it a chore. It should be about expressing myself instead of being a requirement much like a school assignment. I love sharing about my day with everyone and if I feel like it other fun things as well. So that is starting up again and it will be fun not tiring.

So yeah! I’m back and I am happy about it!!!

Have a great day everyone! I love you all

Love, Kim ❤


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